Closed door Workshops powered by BVES, Kongress West

Vorab-Registrierung notwendig

Dienstag, 28. März 2023

Sprache: Englisch

Einführung: Reliable future markets are based on suitable standards and certification. What is the current situation? What is to be considered for industry and users? During this interactive workshop participants be provided with insights on the current development for technical standards for battery storage systems in Germany and the EU and discuss best-practice for design, safety and test procedures for batteries.

Intro and Moderation: Thomas Timke, Senior Battery Expert Solarwatt GmbH



Upcoming EU battery regulation and current normative challenges

Thomas Timke, Solarwatt GmbH

Battery safety for residential system and small business applications - The upcoming new version of the VDE-AR-E 2510-50 and its role for the EU battery regulation    

Guido Schmülling, Commeo GmbH

Storage Systems for the charging infrastructure as a crucial element for eMobility

Bernhard Böden, Power Innovation GmbH

Software for stationary energy storage systems


Introduction of the new pre-standard DIN VDE V 0510-100. The first 2nd life standard for EU – conformal repurposing of EV-batteries

Michael Zeyen,Vancom GmbH & Co. KG

Best practice case – Repurposing of EV batteries for stationare applications

Ludwig Asen, FENECON GmbH

Key findings of the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy study on the safety of second-life batteries in domestic battery storage system

Prof. Paul Christensen, Newcastle University (online)



Sprache: Deutsch

Einführung: Welche Rahmenbedingungen müssen für den Einsatz von Energiespeichersystemen in Gebäuden und in der Industrie geschaffen werden? Was sind die aktuellen Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen? Welche Geschäftsmodelle bilden sich momentan heraus? Von Festlegungen des Anlagen- und Baurechts bis hin zum Messkonzept für den Betrieb, von Geschäftsmodellen vor dem Hintergrund der geltenden rechtlichen Festlegungen bis zur Versicherungspraxis bei Energiespeichern – diese Themen werden im Workshop angesprochen.

Moderation: Johannes Hauck, Hager Electro GmbH und Co. KG


BVES-Branchenzahlen 2023 – Wachstumsmarkt Haushalt und Gebäude

Jörg Blaurock, 3Energie-Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen für Energiespeicher in Haushalt, Gebäude, Industrie

Dr. Florian Brahms, BRAHMS NEBEL Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

Best Practice Energiespeichersysteme für Strom, Wärme, Mobilität in Haushalt und Gebäude

NN, E3DC GmbH, tbc

Thomas Herold, HUAWEI Technologies Deutschland GmbH

Systemlösungen für die Dekarbonisierung der Energieversorgungen von Industrieunternehmen im Zusammenspiel mit dem Stromnetz

Eike Christian Toepfer, IZAAC Energy GmbH

Best Practice in der Industrie: Von Peak Shaving über USV bis Regelenergie

Dirk Willing, INTILION GmbH

Sven Huntemann, TESVOLT AG

Robert Härtel, Frequenz Energy-as-a-Service, GmbH

Juan-Carlos Mejia, Enerox GmbH (CellCube)



Mittwoch, 29. März 2023

Sprache: Deutsch

Einführung: Dieser Workshop widmet sich speziell der Nutzung von Speichersystemen in der Energie-Infrastruktur. Welche Rolle spielen Speichersysteme im Netz und für das Netz? Welches sind die wichtigsten Aspekte bei der Einführung in die Praxis? Welche Regelungen trifft das geltende Recht? Besuchen Sie den Workshop, um mehr über diese Themen zu erfahren und die jüngsten Entwicklungen zu diskutieren.

Moderation: Dr. Matthias Vetter, Head of Department Electrical Energy Storage, Fraunhofer ISE




Dr. Matthias Vetter, Fraunhofer ISE

Der Großspeichermarkt in Deutschland – BVES Branchenanalyse 2023

Jörg Blaurock, 3Energie-Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Aktueller Stand des rechtlichen Rahmens und Ausblick auf die kommenden Entwicklung für Großspeicher im und für das Netz.

Dr. Florian Valentin, von Bredow Valentin Herz
Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

Business Case: Netzbooster als technische Netzbetriebsmittel

Carmen Kompatscher, Fluence Energy GmbH

Netzdienliche Nutzung von (Groß-) Speichern - Praxisbeispiele, aktuellen Hürden und regulatorischer Handlungsbedarf

Benedikt Deuchert, Kyon Energy Solutions GmbH

Safety & Security von Li-Ion Großbatterien – Best practice BVES Brandschutzleitfaden

Dr. Jan Regtmeier, DENIOS SE

Großspeichertechnologien, best practice mit:

  • Pumpspeicher
  • Pneumatische Speicher
  • Hochtermperatur Thermische Speicher

Dr. Klaus Schneider, Beratung Wasserkraft

Alexander Börgel, Hypnetic GmbH

Dr. Robert Pfab, Carbon-Clean Technologies GmbH



Sprache: Englisch

Einführung: The International Energy Agency’s Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA ES TCP) on Energy Storage presently runs an international project on the topic of Flexible Sector Coupling (FSC).

FSC is about connecting a multitude of “consuming” sectors to the increasing share of fluctuating renewables electricity generation and using energy storage to provide robustness and flexibility. With “consuming sectors” we here mean the thermal sector, addressing demands of heating and cooling, and the mobility sector, including all modes of transportation. In an increasingly electrified society, most of the energy input comes from electricity, regardless of sector, and with energy storage we get a time-independent, flexible connection between variable renewable electricity production and any demand for energy services. With a holistic approach, energy storage in its many forms – not only batteries, but also more affordable alternatives like hot water storage, underground thermal storage, and more advanced concepts of storing heating and cold, as well as hydrogen storage and any form of synthetic fuels derived from H2 for the mobility sector – can service the overall system in a cost-optimal and functional way.

In this stakeholder dialogue, we call for your input. While technical opportunities are clearly described, cost-benefits mapped out for a number of applications, and some real installations documented to inspire further development, we really need to define opportunities AND challenges with the concept from the perspective of actors involved in the sectors – planners, policy makers, utilities, developers of mobilitysolutions and low-carbon housing and industry.

For the dialogue, you can expect the following:

  • A brief introduction to Flexible Sector Coupling, with techno-economic insights on the concept for the case of Germany.
  • A guided opportunity to dialogue with the FSC team, to brainstorm around, and eventually conclude on important aspects related to the feasibility of the concept.
  • A review of inspiring case applications to bring with you as further food-for-thought.

Stakeholder Dialogue (PDF, 113 KB)

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Viktoria Martin, Head of Division of Energy Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Donnerstag, 30. März 2023

Sprache: Englisch

Einführung: Energy storage technologies are gaining more and more attention in the finance and insurance industry. What are the characteristics of investing in storage technologies? What is the value of energy storage? The purpose of this workshop is to bring investors and technology providers on the same level and to jointly shape the further growth of the industry.

Moderation: Markus Rosenthal, BVES e.V.



Bankability and Investability in energy storage systems

Markus Rosenthal, BVES e.V.

Financing of Renewables and Energy Storage

Manuela Heise, DKB

Technical criteria to ensure investability in battery energy storage systems

Patrick Heininger, Project Manager Batteries and Energy Storage Systems, VDE Renewables GmbH

Performance insurance - worthwhile basis for a worthwhile business?

Dr. Sebastian Scholz, Munich RE

Stage Investments to create European Champions in New Energy

Dr. Markus Forstmeier, EIT Inno Energy

Invest in Energy Storage – A big challenge for institutional investors

Dr. Nina Fichtl, DIAS Investment Service

Beyond Venture Capital – 2nd Stage Investments         

Dr. Alexandros Papaderos, TACH2YONE GmbH




Stand: Februar 2023, Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.