Press Parking

Close and convenient: parking at the grounds

6,700 parking spaces are available directly at the trade fair grounds. What’s more, the adjoining airport car parks can be used.

Thanks to the dynamic parking guidance system, you can easily find the nearest free parking space. Parking in the Bosch car park directly above the motorway is a special highlight.

For journalists with valid accreditation

You can park free of charge in car park P26 at the West Entrance. Please follow the signs to this car park. You can have your parking ticket validated once free of charge at the press center in the Restaurant im Westen.

P26 parking area (PDF, 821 KB)

Parking administration building

Follow the signs for “Verwaltung” (administration building). Take the exit in the direction of P22 / P23 at the roundabout. Before going down into the underground car park P22 / P23, stop on the right and at the barrier behind the administration building press the intercom button. Please park your vehicle outside and then walk along the administration building to the Messepiazza, the reception of the trade fair administration building is located there. 

Approaching the administration building (PDF, 2 MB)