Quantum Effects 2024

08 - 09 October 2024 | Messe Stuttgart

The world's leading exhibition and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies with an annual cycle 

After exceeding expectations at its premiere in 2023, Quantum Effects is now considered the world's leading exhibition and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies with an annual rotation. Once again this year, the international quantum industry and policymakers will come together in Stuttgart on October 8 and 9 to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the sector. World market leaders and application industries are thus promoting international cooperation and strengthening Europe's sovereignty in the global quantum landscape. Quantum Effects generates enthusiasm for quantum technologies and offers an ideal platform for innovation, inspiration and collaboration. Together with industry, science, politics and relevant partners, a comprehensive quantum network is being developed and designed.

Attractive supporting programme

You can look forward to a high-quality and varied supporting program with renowned speakers.

Stage programme

Our Speakers

QE Award

QE Academy

Networking Night


Start-up Pitches

HPC Quantum AI Conference

Female FutureTech Summit

On both days of the fair, there will be an attractive programme of lectures and discussions on the different stages.

To the stage programme

Top-class speakers from Germany and abroad will give lectures at Quantum Effects.

To the speakers

The Quantum Effects Award, presented for the first time in 2023, recognises outstanding innovations that combine the classical and quantum worlds, are used in different industries, enable individual services and open up new perspectives.

To the Quantum Effects Award

Quantum Effects provides comprehensive information about quantum technologies and their use. Therefore, there will be a programme specifically tailored to the needs of high school students, students as future users and teachers.

To the Quantum Effects Academy

The Quantum Effects Networking Night is an opportunity to meet industry players after the first day of the fair and conference and to network in a relaxed atmosphere. Food and refreshments will be provided by cool drinks and food trucks.

To the Networking Night

The Qoool Camp shows the potential of quantum computing and quantum sensor technology on 400 sqm of event and workshop space.

To the Qooolcamp

Immerse yourself in the exciting world of innovation and investment! Our start-up investment pitches offer a unique platform that brings together experienced investors and visionary start-ups from the quantum technologies industry.

To the Start-up Investment Pitches

An exciting academic conference program on HPC, QC & AI is offered here. The conference program will take place in the International Congress Center Stuttgart (ICS).

To the HPC Quantum AI Conference

The women's network meeting aims to highlight and promote the importance of women in this field.

To the Female FutureTech Summit




Voices on Quantum Effects

  • "Quantum technologies are among the most important key technologies of the 21st century. The transfer of the fascinating properties and effects of the quantum world into technological applications will change and improve our lives in many areas. With the QuantumBW initiative, the state of Baden-Württemberg is focussing on the transfer of findings from research into concrete products and market-ready applications. The aim is to generate added value and social added value in the state. I am delighted that Landesmesse Stuttgart is actively supporting this process with Quantum Effects and creating an international format for networking and dialogue."" 

    Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, patron of Quantum Effects 2023

  • "Quantum technologies play an important role for the future of the state. The education and training of skilled workers is a central component of Baden-Württemberg's quantum strategy. Our new QuantumBW innovation offensive pools the expertise of leading research institutions, high-tech companies and dynamic start-ups. This will make Baden-Württemberg even more attractive for top talent from all over the world and open up excellent prospects for young people in the field of quantum technology. The Quantum Effects trade fair offers exciting insights into our research and training activities. I am particularly pleased about the Quantum Effects Academy for pupils and students: The specially tailored programme makes quantum technology tangible."

    Petra Olschowski | Minister of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

  • "Our appearance at Quantum Effects was a great success! We are delighted with the very good attendance at our stand and the high level of interest in our topics and exhibits. As a hosting partner, we are also very pleased with the overall response to the entire exhibition and the truly inspiring, high-calibre lecture programme - and of course to Quantum Effects 2024!"

    Dr. Katrin Kobe | CEO Bosch Quantum Sensing

  • "It was great to bring together the growing international quantum industry to discuss the latest developments and most pressing challenges facing the growing quantum industry. The QBN Summit has brought together world leaders, quantum experts, policy makers and end users, making an important contribution to fostering international co-operation and strengthening Europe's sovereignty in the global quantum landscape."

    Johannes Verst | CEO Quantum Business Network (QBN)

  • "Quantum Effects is exactly the trade fair that is now needed to bring quantum technologies out of the lab and into a wide range of applications: Quantum computing, quantum sensor technology and quantum communication offer completely new opportunities and can open up innovative growth areas and new markets for companies. And with the Quantum Effects Award, outstanding international developments in quantum technologies will be honoured and publicised for the first time. We are very pleased about the technological spirit of optimism and the new trade fair with its many highlights!"

    Dr Andreas Ehrhardt, Head of Photonics BW & Chairman of OptecNet Germany

  • "Baden-Württemberg has a unique selling point when it comes to quantum technology. We met the right people, were able to arrange numerous meetings with customers and suppliers and had many valuable chance encounters. Above all, however, the trade fair confirms that we are on the right track. The timing and size of the trade fair were just right. We'll be back again next time!"

    Mark Mattingley Scott | General Manager EMEA | Quantum Brilliance

  • "Recruiting in particular worked very well at Quantum Effects. There were many interested students and people who were open to the topic. There is also a lot to be said in favour of this trade fair from a marketing point of view, as it shows the maturity of the technology and gives it a face. It's no secret that a lot of funding is flowing in Germany - so it's important to communicate the status quo. We'll be back again next time."

    Dr. rer. nat Michael Förtsch, Founder and CEO Q.ANT

  • "An 'ecosystem' of quantum technology can only emerge if it is built up jointly by industry and research. It is therefore extremely important that such an event takes place - and at Quantum Effects you could see that industry is showing an interest in the technology. The topic is international, as is the audience at this trade fair. We met the right clientele here, were able to position ourselves and make good contacts."

    Sandrine Richner, Site Developer Uptown Basel

Network partners 2024

Current news

The latest from the Quantum Effects newsroom and the industry.

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  • Erstes QuantumBW Treffen zu Quantensoftware-Engineering
    19.07.2023 | 

    Erstes QuantumBW Treffen zu Quantensoftware-Engineering

    Vergangene Woche fand im Quantum & AI Experience Center in Ehningen das erste Treffen im Rahmen der Innovationsinitiative QuantumBW mit dem Schwerpunkt Quantensoftware-Engineering statt. Bei dem zweitägigen Fokustreffen, das vom Fraunhofer IAO organisiert wurde, kamen Forschende sowie Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus der Industrie zusammen, um gemeinsam über die Fortschritte im Bereich Quantensoftware-Engineering für industrielle Anwendungen zu diskutieren.

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  • Potenziale der Quantentechnologien: Roadmap für Baden-Württemberg
    07.06.2023 | 

    Potenziale der Quantentechnologien: Roadmap für Baden-Württemberg

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  • Europäische Pilotinfrastruktur für eine schnellere Markteinführung der Quantentechnologien
    05.06.2023 | 

    Europäische Pilotinfrastruktur für eine schnellere Markteinführung der Quantentechnologien

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  • Förderung internationaler Kooperationen in den Quantentechnologien
    23.05.2023 | 

    Förderung internationaler Kooperationen in den Quantentechnologien

    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) beabsichtigt, die internationalen Kooperationen in den Quantentechnologien im Rahmen des „Forschungsprogramms Quantensysteme. Spitzentechnologie entwickeln. Zukunft gestalten“ zu fördern.

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  • Quantentechnologie: Neue Roadmap hilft Normen auf die Sprünge
    15.05.2023 | 

    Quantentechnologie: Neue Roadmap hilft Normen auf die Sprünge

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  • Bundesregierung stellt gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftsorganisationen drei Milliarden Euro für Zukunftstechnologie bereit
    27.04.2023 | 

    Bundesregierung stellt gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftsorganisationen drei Milliarden Euro für Zukunftstechnologie bereit

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  • Baden-Württemberg startet Offensive in der Quantentechnologie
    21.04.2023 | 

    Baden-Württemberg startet Offensive in der Quantentechnologie

    QuantumBW bringt exzellente Forschung schneller in die Anwendung

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  • "Quantum & AI Experience Center" (Q.AX) in Ehningen eröffnet
    19.04.2023 | 

    "Quantum & AI Experience Center" (Q.AX) in Ehningen eröffnet

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  • Quantencomputing in der industriellen Applikation
    27.02.2023 | 

    Quantencomputing in der industriellen Applikation

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  • Sichere optische Datenkommunikation mittels Quantenkryptographie und Li-Fi
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    Sichere optische Datenkommunikation mittels Quantenkryptographie und Li-Fi

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  • Forschungsfabrik für Quanten- und neuromorphes Computing
    12.12.2022 | 

    Forschungsfabrik für Quanten- und neuromorphes Computing

    Um die in Deutschland vorhandene mikroelektronische Forschung und Entwicklung in Bezug auf Quanten- und neuromorphes Computing zu bündeln und auszubauen, startete die FMD mit vier weiteren Fraunhofer-Instituten, dem Forschungszentrum Jülich und der AMO GmbH am 1. Dezember 2022 ein gemeinsames Vorhaben: Die »Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland – Modul Quanten- und neuromorphes Computing«. Der dafür benötigte gerätetechnische und strukturelle Aufbau wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert.

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