Quantum Effects 2025

07 - 08 October 2025 | Messe Stuttgart

The world's leading exhibition and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies with an annual cycle 

Quantum Effects already exceeded expectations after its premiere in 2023, and its second edition in 2024 closed with a significant increase in participants. It is now regarded as the world's leading trade fair and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies and takes place every year. From 7-8 October 2025, the international quantum industry and politics will meet in Stuttgart to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the industry. World market leaders and application industries are thus promoting international cooperation and strengthening Europe's sovereignty in the global quantum landscape. Quantum Effects generates enthusiasm for quantum technologies and offers an ideal platform for innovation, inspiration and collaboration. Together with industry, science, politics and relevant partners, a comprehensive quantum network is being developed and designed.

Voices on Quantum Effects

  • “We had a premium stand space and were literally overrun with visitors. Quantum Effects is a very important event, considering the overall lack of exhibitions for quantum technology. I’m convinced that this will become an established, successful format. It’s the future!”

    Michaela Askin | Marketing and Communication, Bosch Quantum Sensing

  • “We met with a wide variety of people here, from eager students to professionals with very specific questions looking for very specific answers. At the same time, we had the chance to chat and connect with other companies and learned a lot from each other. The market is growing at a rapid pace, which makes an event like this all the more important. Oh, and the atmosphere in the hall was fantastic!”

    Brenda Rovers | Sales Marketing & Communication, Delft Circuits

  • “Science meets business at Quantum Effects, which is why this exhibition is a very important event for us, helping us find our place in the quantum eco-system and to network; in other words, expand our partnerships. It worked very well. We met with both development and research partners, as well as suppliers. It was also great to see what is currently being developed in the sector and the approach taken by other companies to enter this market.”

    Dr Felix Nissen | Senior Director, Nvision Imaging Technologies GmbH

  • “Quantum Effects exceeded our expectations! The range of services and exhibitors at this event has raised the bar once again. There was just so much information here about the current quantum eco-system, you can see where individual companies actually stand. We also made some excellent business contacts – and even had the chance to speak directly with Quantum Delta NL.”

    Andre Salzinger | Quantum Technology Project Manager, Photonics BW e.V.

  • “The exhibition was a great success for us, the ideal meeting place for an exchange between partners and customers. As a middleware provider, we appeal to a broad spectrum of companies, and this meant we were kept busy. We made plenty of valuable contacts, from both a business and scientific/technological point of view. We are more than happy with our decision to attend!”

    Dr Ingo Seipp | Pre-Sales Consultant, Eviden Germany GmbH

  • “We met with a very positive response. Here, at Quantum Effects, we started the next phase of our centre of competence; new partners came together and synergies were explored. Our focus is on industrial applications, which meant the chance to have a meaningful exchange with other companies during our time here was particularly important to us. There was generally a very pleasant atmosphere in the hall, it was a bit like a school reunion!”

    Chiara Stephan | Outreach, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO

  • “This exhibition was a great idea! We met exactly the right client base here: companies and scientific organisations that require industrial diamonds. Stuttgart is, after all, the home of this technology. This was a fantastic opportunity to immerse ourselves in this eco-system and speak with potentially new customers. We are more than happy with how our time was spent at Quantum Effects.”

    Dr Matthew Markham | Head of Quantum Technologies, Element Six Ltd.

  • “Quantum Effects 2024 was a very broad-minded, well attended exhibition that attracted a young audience. In our role as umbrella organisation, we succeeded in attracting a number of new and interesting contacts for our member companies, many of whom were also here in Stuttgart. We also had the chance to catch up with current partners. We see ourselves as a point of contact and that was our aim here at Quantum Effects!”

    Martin Braun | Event Manager, European Photonics Industry Consortium EPIC

  • “It was a very successful event, which managed to make quantum technology more accessible to the public. Visitors also came over from the other events taking place parallel, who were far from familiar with the topic, however interested in finding out more. I thought it was really nice that plenty had been done to appeal to the school groups, who were also eager to know more. The quantum community is very open, very friendly, almost like a family. It is very important to have a platform like this one!”

    Dr Nicole Metzler | Executive Director IQST, University of Stuttgart

  • “We had a very successful time at Quantum Effects, with plenty of opportunities to meet with other interesting people, companies and institutions. We also generated some very promising leads. There were familiar faces in the crowds and the chance to catch up with colleagues. I’m fairly certain we’ll be back again next year!”

    Maarten Stam | Technical Sales Engineer, Single Quantum

Network partners 2024

Current news

The latest from the Quantum Effects newsroom and the industry.

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