ISA International Sauna Congress
The International Sauna Congress was the global forum for knowledge transfer and information exchange around the trends, ideas and challenges of the sauna industry.
The congress took place in parallel with the interbad trade fair in Stuttgart from 25 to 27 Oct 2022. Its superior objective was the worldwide promotion and further development of sauna use. Also in the focus was a positive influence on the development of the industry.
Within the framework of the congress, market participants could benefit from a lecture programme and could meet international experts. Target groups were managers and specialists from the broadly based sauna and wellness sector and specialists interested in the sauna topic from all over the world.
The objectives of the congress were:
- creating a forum for dialogue for the global sauna community
exchanging knowledge and latest findings across disciplines
promoting research projects
furthering the education of employees in the sauna sector
The congress was divided into three segments:
Sauna and Health | This segment focusses on the preventive and prophylactic effects of sauna treatments. In addition, the sauna topic is researched with respect to the physiological and biochemical effects on defence processes in the body, epidemiology, sports, and sauna use in certain stages of life. |
Ecological and technical challenges for the construction and operation of saunas | This segment addresses sustainability and emissions in sauna construction and operation. It also provides insights into energy efficient methods for construction and heating as well as into climate neutral concepts for sauna facilities. |
Quo vadis Sauna? | Quo Vadis, Sauna concentrates on the current market and visitor behaviour and highlights extraordinary architectural solutions and interior design of public saunas. Finally, the future orientation of public saunas will be analysed with the help of market studies. |