GlobalConnect Congress

Key to Markets

Digitalisation, regional crisises and geopolitical challenges: At the GlobalConnect Congress 2022 high-carate representatives of politics and economics discuss about current trends at the international marktes and give useful advice. Look forward to bundeled expertise. 

Please note, that the congress will be held in German. For more information switch to the German website. 

Programme overview

Time: 9:30 - 10:00 
Location: Room 1 - C1.2.2, Messe Stuttgart

You will be greeted by Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Member of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament, Minister of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg

Target market: worldwide
Organiser: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

According to the latest status report by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), global threats by cybercriminals are increasing. This development is being driven, for example, by continuous networking and digitalisation, as well as the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence. Other factors include the shortage of skilled workers and the impacts of global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic or geopolitical tensions.

The session, which is being organised by Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) and comprises a keynote speech and a panel discussion, will bring together experts from "THE LÄND" and Israel along with representatives from business and science in order to examine the following questions: What international cyber dangers and trends must companies focus on, and what approaches can be used to counter these dangers?


  • Jürgen Schäfer, Prokurist & Abteilungsleiter Operative Services, Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i)
  • Prof. Holger Morgenstern, Dekan Fakultät Informatik, Professor für IT Sicherheit, Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
  • Mirko Ross, CEO, asvin GmbH
  • Charme Rykower, Senior Executive, AHK Israel
  • Tilman Epha, Sales Director DACH, XM Cyber
  • Julia Rigauer, Managerin Internationale Messen, Bereich Digitalwirtschaft, Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) 

Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is intended to provide companies with a clear legal framework for fulfilling human rights due diligence obligations. Despite existing support services, operational implementation presents companies with numerous challenges, making it essential to take this business perspective into account in the current discussions on the planned legislation at the European level. Together, we want to discuss recommendations and demands to the European regulators from a business perspective, from an industry perspective and from the perspective of the Business & Human Rights Helpdesk. In addition, as a supplier, you will learn what demands your customers may make on you and how to deal with them.


  • Berthold Welling, Managing Director - Legal Affairs Taxes Sustainability, German Chemical Industry Association - VCI Berlin
  • Vanessa Bachofer, Managing Director Mack & Schneider GmbH
  • Carolin Seeger, Helpdesk Business and Human Rights, Agency for Business and Development
  • Markus Liller, Team Lead Supplier Management, U.I. Lapp GmbHMatthias Führich, Attorney at Law (Syndikusrechtsanwalt), Chamber of Industry and Commerce Stuttgart Region


Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and EU Supply Chain Directive from the Supplier's Perspective - Attorney at Law Dr. Stefan Altenschmidt in Conversation with the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

  • Dr. Stefan Altenschmidt, LL.M. (Nottingham), Partner, Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
  • Silke Helmholz, Attorney at Law (In-house Counsel), Chamber of Industry and Commerce Stuttgart Region
  • Matthias Führich, Attorney at Law (In-house Counsel), Stuttgart Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Moderation: Katharina Göbel, lawyer (in-house lawyer), Head of Brussels Office of Unternehmer Baden-Württemberg - UBW, European and International Social Policy

Organiser: Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg and IHK Region Stuttgart

Time: 13.00 – 14.00
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

Podium discussion: "Turning point in foreign trade policy/in global trade?"

Global trade is the focal point of public debates on account of different challenges. The podium discussion at Global Connect 2022 will therefore analyse the opportunities and challenges for internationally operating companies. The recent developments in Europe as a result of the impacts of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the developments in the Indo-Pacific region with the conflict between China and Taiwan on the one hand and the trade policy disputes with the USA on the other, globally tense supply chains and an ambitious EU trade policy geared towards sustainability criteria represent considerable demands for globally operating companies. What role does European trade policy play and what tasks is it faced with? How can business risks be suitably spread, where could foreign trade measures be specifically implemented, where do future markets lie and where do cooperation partners offer their services?

The following podium guests will answer these questions

  • Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Member of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament and Minister of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg
  • Andreas Jung, Member of the German Parliament, Deputy Chairman of the CDU federal party and CDU/CSU spokesman for climate protection and energy
  • Norman Thatcher Scharpf, Consul General in the US Consulate General in Frankfurt
  • Christian O. Erbe, President of the Baden- Wurttemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce Day, Managing Shareholder of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH
  • Dr. Christine D. Althauser, Ambassador (Skopje) / Retired Consul General (Shanghai)
  • Andreas Wahsner, Managing Director, MetallArt Treppen GmbH

Moderation: Gustav Theile, F.A.Z.
Organiser: Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism

Time: 14:00 - 15:00 
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

International success through sustainability: Sustainability is becoming a key factor for internationally operating companies: the topic is being increasingly demanded by customers, is verified during financing and is now also anchored in legislation to an increasing extent. But is sustainable management also competitive internationally? How can small and medium-sized enterprises develop successfully under changing (internationally heterogeneous) general conditions? The panel will present success stories and describe what support options are available and what conditions apply to internationally operating companies in the area of sustainability.

Target markets: worldwide
Organisers: Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg / Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stuttgart region


  • Wolfgang Rosskopf, Alfred Kiess GmbH (Managing Director)
  • To be announced (Concular GmbH)
  • Florina Retzbach-Schmied (Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism)

Moderation: Michael Roessler (Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg)

Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

Brexit has permanently changed trade relations with the United Kingdom. The CE symbol, for example, will only be accepted in the United Kingdom up until the end of 2022. From 1 January 2023 onwards, only the UKCA label will be accepted for market approval in the United Kingdom. Find out what changed regulations for product approvals and labelling obligations you must prepare for when you launch your products on the market in the United Kingdom. We will also bring you up to date in regard to trade relations and trading conditions.

Target market: United Kingdom
Organisers: Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs – Rhein-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry


  • Bianca Jackisch-Metzler (Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism – economic policy in Europe),
  • Bernhard Schuster (Rhein-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Project Manager Enterprise Europe Network)

Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Location: ICS, Room C1.2.2

Ambitious ecological objectives can only be attained with the aid of environmental technology and resource efficiency. The demand for "green tech" is therefore increasing in many regions of the world. But what international markets offer attractive prospects for suppliers in Baden-Württemberg? The new study "Internationalisation of the environmental technology industry in Baden-Württemberg" provides guidance in the form of market statistics and industry-specific information. Following the presentation of the study results, a panel discussion will be held in which representatives of internationally active environmental technology companies will talk about their experiences. 

Target markets: Baden-Württemberg suppliers of environmental and climate protection technologies
Organiser: Umwelttechnik BW GmbH


  • Jannis Lambert (Project Manager, Prognos AG),
  • Dr. Michael Kuhn (Managing Director, KUHN GmbH Technische Anlagen),
  • Philipp Engelkamp (Managing Director, INERATEC GmbH),
  • Jan-Eric Raschke (Director Public Affairs / Representative Berlin, MANN+HUMMEL International GmbH & Co. KG)

As of October 2022. Subject to changes and errors.