Volta-X Energy Systems Expo

25 - 27 March 2025 | Messe Stuttgart

Volta-X is the new international energy platform for products, services and solutions. Discuss the challenges and solutions for the energy transition with participants from industry, science and policy at the three-day exhibition with symposium. Experience innovative and intelligent energy technologies hands-on. The focus is on sector coupling of electricity, heat, mobility and the industry. Valuable synergies result from the parallel staging of eltefa, trade fair for electronics, energy, buildings and industry.

If you would like to present at Volta-X, get in touch with us about your options for participating in the B2B trade fair or symposium!


What to expect at Volta-X

High time for intelligent energy solutions

Mastering the energy transition calls for intelligent solutions from energy production and system management through to storage. A stronger interlinking of the sectors electricity, heat and mobility is essential in the endeavour.

Volta-X focusses on these topics and gives its participants the chance to have an active part in the shaping of this new showcase for the international power industry. Valuable synergies result from the parallel staging of eltefa, trade fair for electronics, energy, buildings and industry.

The event is made up of three core elements: a B2B exhibition with a special start-up area, a packed symposium programme and various networking formats.  


Get to know the latest technologies in power supply and study application cases for today and tomorrow.

The product range reaches from energy storage systems, supply systems in the mobility sector and system technologies for heating and cooling supply and for supply networks (load balancing, stability, CO2 reduction), to energy system management (smart grid, micro grid, district) and services such as network planning.


Three days of intense transfer of knowledge: Expect fascinating talks about state-of-the-art technology and current research findings as well as best-practice examples.

Secure and green energy supply systems, flexible sector coupling and emergency power provision will take centre stage.


Get in contact with all he players in the energy sector: industry representatives, science experts and politicians.

Various networking platforms and forums support you in generating leads and making valuable contacts.


The energy industry looks forward to the trade fair

  • "Energy will be the key topic in the next few years. We want to help shape this future and ensure that energy is used properly and that sector coupling is optimised. We are delighted that we can be here because these topics are the focal points of Volta-X."

    Bernhard Rill, Head of Sales and Marketing, Gustav Klein GmbH & Co. KG

  • "I am very much looking forward to cooperating with Messe Stuttgart. Especially with a topic such as energy storage, it is important to have a suitable environment which offers a platform for new developments and innovations. The discussions during the accompanying Congress will also play an important role in this respect."

    Dr. Andreas Hauer, Divisional Director, Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bavaria)

  • "We are delighted to have created Volta-X together with the Federal Association of Energy Storage Systems (BVES) and Messe Stuttgart. Technical and personal discussions regarding energy storage systems will be held there – as an important link for the energy supply of the future. We'll be there!"

    Heinrich Gärtner, Founder, GP Joule

  • "We are currently experiencing once more how energy is affecting our lives in an unprecedented way. Topics such as mobility, heat or electricity are connected to the energy transformation. "It's now time to combine these topics in an event for which Stuttgart offers ideal conditions. We will be delighted to take part in Volta-X as an Association and a company in March 2023."

    Thomas Speidel, Managing Shareholder, ADS-TEC Group, and President of the Federal Association of Energy Storage Systems

  • "As a long-standing exhibitor at eltefa, Trade Fair for Electrical Engineering and Electronics, we have come to appreciate Stuttgart as a trade fair venue. Volta-X is a logic addition to this topic. Everything that belongs together will grow together here and will be mutually enhanced in future: building technology, electrical engineering and energy storage systems."

    Johannes Hauck, Corporate Affairs Director, Hager Group

  • "Volta-X is the new trade fair for energy systems - and we, the Federal Association of Energy Storage Systems (BVES), are delighted to be able to develop this trade fair in cooperation with Messe Stuttgart. Stuttgart will therefore become the new home for energy storage systems, a rapidly and dynamically expanding industry, which will respond to the enormous challenge of the energy transformation with solutions."

    Urban Windelen, Federal Executive Director, Federal Association of Energy Storage Systems

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Volta-X will take place from March 25 to 27, 2025.

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Further information for exhibitors

Stand booking

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We are looking forward to answering your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Information and site layout plans, legal information and logos, as well as banners, can be found here.

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