R+T Innovation Award
Innovations at first hand! The R+T 2024 Innovation Award offered insights into the latest, forward-looking technical developments, great designs or particularly sustainable and energy-efficient products from the world of roller shutters, doors and sun shading systems!
The winners of R+T 2024 Innovation Award
- Becker-Antriebe GmbH
- BeluTec Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
- BEMATECH s.r.o.
- BOTEVO Building Solutions GmbH
- Brianzatende s.r.l.
- Corradi Srl
- Coulisse B.V.
- Dickson Constant
- elero GmbH
- Gluetex GmbH
- Haverkamp GmbH
- heroal Johann Henkenjohann GmbH & Co. KG
- Hunter Douglas Europe B.V.
- Jiecang Europe GmbH
- KADECO Sonnenschutzsysteme GmbH
- Meißner GmbH Toranlagen
- MHZ Hachtel GmbH & Co. KG
- Neher Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
- NICE S.p.A.
- Sattler SUN-TEX GmbH
- SELVE GmbH & Co. KG
- Somfy Activités SA
- Taroko Door & Window Technologies, Inc.
- WAREMA Renkhoff SE
- Winsol NV
The jury 2024 introduces itself
- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Meyer, Kassel (Chairman of the jury)
- Martin Auerbach, Wuppertal
- Holger Dirks, Bad Wörishofen
- Stefan Elgaß, Geretsried
- Stephan Engert, Stuttgart
- Carsten Gritzan, Dortmund
- Kai-Uwe Grögor, Ratingen
- Peter Huber, Wasserburg
- Björn Kuhnke, Bonn
- Prof. Jörn Peter Lass, Rosenheim
- Maren Meyerling, Düsseldorf
- Dirk Meyer-Tonndorf, Grevenbroich
- Gerd-Joachim Müller, Frankfurt
- Sandra Musculus, Bergisch Gladbach
- Peter Reinhardt, Stuttgart
- Lars Rippstein, Fulda
- Yvonne Schneider, Köln
- Sebastian Schott, Stuttgart
- Dr. Claus Schwenzer, Mönchengladbach
- Olaf Vögele, Untergruppenbach
- Peter Winters, Zaventem - Belgien

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Meyer, Kassel (Chairman of the jury)
Managing Director of Ingenieurbüro für Bauklimatik
1991: Diploma in general mechanical engineering, University of Karlsruhe (TH)
1991 - 1994: International research activities in the field of regenerative energy conversion, especially wind energy
1994 - 2002: Research assistant at the Department of Technical Building Equipment, University of Kassel
1999: Doctorate "Evaluation of thermal comfort by means of flow simulation".
since 2001: Managing partner of the Engineering Office for Building Climatology
2006 - 2007: Managing Director of the Centre for Environmentally Conscious Building (ZUB) e.V. at the University of Kassel
2009: Appointment at the Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus, Chair of Building Physics and Building Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
2010 - 2013: Consultant for the offshore wind farm project Global Tech I, Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH, Hamburg project office.
2015 - 2016: Consultant for the offshore wind farm project Nordsee One, Nordsee One GmbH, Hamburg project office.
2016: Foundation of the engineering office Heat + Flow Consult

Martin Auerbach, Wuppertal
Managing Director of Association of Interior Privacy & Sun Shades Industry (VIS)
Martin Auerbach is the CEO of the German Home Textiles Industry Association (Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Industrie e.V.) and, within the framework of the cooperation with the Association of Interior Privacy and Sun Protection (Verband innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz e.V.) (since 2013) and the Mattress Industry Association (Fachverband Matratzen-Industrie) (since 2019), also their managing director. After commercial training and working in a medium-sized wholesale company, he studied law in Trier and Bonn. After working as a legal advisor in a housing association, he moved to the Heimtex-Verband in 2003 in the same position. At the end of 2009, he was appointed General Manager there. In the Textile+Sun Protection Competence Centre, the joint office in Wuppertal, he has brought together the competences of the three industry associations. Within this framework, the associations have also made their valuable networks accessible to each other. This has triggered a "turbo effect", especially in the field of circular economy, as networking with institutes, authorities and all stakeholders involved in the value chain up to disposal and recycling is indispensable for success here.

Holger Dirks, Bad Wörishofen
Chefredakteur GFF Glas Fenster Fassade / Siso Sicht+Sonnenschutz, Holzmann Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Work experience
Seit 2020: Editor in Chief GFF Glas Fenster Fassade / Siso Sicht+Sonnenschutz, Holzmann Medien GmbH & Co. KG
2014 – 2020: Editor in Chief Energiespektrum, Henrich Publikationen GmbH
Magister Artium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Stefan Elgaß, Geretsried
Editor-in-Chief of Metallbau
Stefan Elgaß (56) has been managing partner of PSE Redaktionsservice GmbH in Geretsried since 1990. The publishing house publishes various trade publications such as the e-paper www.metall-markt.net, the trade newspaper ALUMINIUM KURIER and the youth magazine MEINMetall. The idea of linking print objects with the Internet was born there early on. Today, with its publications and events, the publishing house is one of the leading platforms for metal and steel construction, windows and facades.
Stefan Elgaß had already gained diverse professional experience as a photographer and editor at daily newspapers and PR agencies before he went into business for himself with PSE. As an editorial service provider, the publisher and editor-in-chief of PSE has been successfully producing targeted press and PR work for companies in the window and façade industry for 30 years now. For small and medium-sized companies, PSE develops individually tailored PR and press concepts and implements them professionally together with the partners.

Stephan Engert, Stuttgart
Editor-in-Chief of Bauelemente Bau
After graduating from high school, Stephan Engert studied social education at the Stuttgart University of Cooperative Education, graduating with a degree in social education. This was followed by his civilian service as a group leader in the Rupert-Mayer-Heim youth welfare facility in Göppingen. During a one-year stay in Tuscany, Mr. Engert was able to gain a lot of experience before he started working as a group leader at the Paulinenpflege youth welfare facility in Kirchheim/Teck for ten years. Since 1995, he has now been working as an editor for the trade journal Bauelemente Bau at the Verlag für Fachpublizistik. Since 2003, he has now been the editor-in-chief of the trade publication.

Carsten Gritzan, Dortmund
Editor-in-Chief of the Door-Gate-Window Report
Carsten Gritzan has his roots in graphic design and still looks after well-known companies as an art director with his communications agency. After several years as publishing director of VfZ Verlag, Mr. Gritzan finally took over various publications into Kiosk Verlag, for which he is responsible today as managing director. Kiosk Verlag publishes magazines in the fields of trade, industry and culture. Worldwide. Among them is the Tür-Tor-Fenster Report, for which Mr Gritzan has taken over the editorship.

Kai-Uwe Grögor, Ratingen
Managing Director of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT - Verband Tore)
After studying economics at the University of Hamburg, Kai-Uwe Grögor worked as a consultant and department head for various associations in the real estate industry , long-distance freight transport and the mineral oil industry. Since April 2013, he has been Managing Director of BVT - Verband Tore and Fachverband Metallzauntechnik e.V. in Ratingen.

Peter Huber, Wasserburg
Master Roller Shutter and Venetian Blind Builder
Presidium of the Federal Association of Roller Shutters and Sun Protection
Peter Huber apprenticed to become a building fitter after completing his secondary school education. Having worked as a trainee at various manufacturers in the roller shutters, gates and sun protection industry, he entered his parents’ craft company Jalousien Huber in 1982, went through all departments and completed the master craftsman's diploma in roller shutters and venetian blinds in 1986.
He was Managing Director of the Jalousien Huber GmbH from 1998 to 2020, before he handed over the management to his daughter Simone Huber. In the same year, the Chamber of Crafts Munich and Upper Bavaria swore him in as a certified expert for the roller shutter and sun protection industry. At the same time, he continued his activity as technical manager and counsellor in the company under the new name Huber GmbH „Mein Lebensgefühl“.
Since 2004, Huber has been a volunteer Member of the Board of the South Bavarian Guild for Roller Shutters and Sun Protection and Member of the journeyman's examination board of the Wiesau vocational school as apprentice supervisor. As a Member of the Executive Committee of the Federal Association of Roller Shutters and Sun Protection he has been responsible for vocational training and technology since 2020.

Björn Kuhnke, Bonn
Technical consultant at BVRS
At the BVRS, Björn Kuhnke has been representing the interests of the sun protection system industry in the technical committees at DIN, in cooperations with other associations and in political lobbying since 2017. After studying civil engineering, the trained carpenter started out as a specialist planner in the field of building physics in 2010. As an expert in sound and thermal insulation, he works as a surveyor and is responsible at the BVRS for current tasks concerning expert services in the sun protection industry.
Studied wood technology at the Technical University of Rosenheim
1992 - 1995: SCHÜCO International KG
1995 - 1996: Gebr. Schneider window factory
1996 - 1997: Preuße Metallbau GmbH
1997 - 2000: FET Cord Hatje GmbH
2000 - 2014: ift Rosenheim GmbH
2014 - 2020: TH Rosenheim, Energy and Building Technology,
Field of study: Building envelope
since January 2020: Institute Director of ift Rosenheim
Other functions and activities:
Research and development projects
Load-bearing behaviour of adhesives in double standing seam roofs (1 May 2017 - 31 December 2018)
Funding body: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development at the Federal Office for
Building and Regional Planning (BBSR)
Activities in professional organisations
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN): Member of the standards committee TC 33/WG 6 EN 13830 Curtain walling
Verband Fenster + Fassaden (VFF): Staff member of the technical committee
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN): Convenor of the Ad'Hoc Group for the revision of EN 1191
Jehl, Wolfgang; Prof. Lass, Jörn P. et al.: Guide to the installation of curtain walling. Ed.: Gütegemeinschaft Fenster, Fassaden und Haustüren e.V. Frankfurt a. M., 2017
Prof. Lass, Jörn P.: Vorgehängte und hinterlüftete Fassade - Energiemanager: aktiv, passiv, nachhaltig. Ed.: forum-holzbau, Biel, 2017, Conference Proceedings - Forum Holz | Bau | Physik, 8th HolzBauSpezial | Bauphysik, page 163 ff.
Prof. Lass, Jörn P.: Upgrade Fassadennorm - Aktuelles aus der überarbeiteten EN 13830:2015. ed.: ift Rosenheim GmbH, Rosenheim, October 2016, ift-Jahrbuch Fenster + Fassade 2016 - Publikationen und Vortragsfolien der Rosenheimer Fenstertage 2016, page 44 ff.

Maren Meyerling, Düsseldorf
Editor-in-Chief of publisher Handwerk GmbH
After graduating from high school, Maren Meyerling studied German language and literature, psychology and education at the University of Wuppertal, graduating with a Magistra Artium in 2003. Since then, she has worked mainly for various professional journals. Among other things, she has been editor-in-chief of RTS Magazin for over 10 years, which has been published by Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH since 2013.

Dirk Meyer-Tonndorf, Grevenbroich
Chairman of the Board of BVT - Association Gates
Dirk Meyer-Tonndorf graduated as an industrial engineer from the University of Applied Sciences Gießen-Friedberg. Since 1995, he has been managing partner of Meyer-Tonndorf GmbH, Grevenbroich. The company is a nationwide, owner-operated supplier of industrial doors, dock levellers and door seals. Since 2014, Dirk Meyer-Tonndorf has been a member of the board of directors of BVT - Verband Tore in Ratingen, and has been chairman of the association since 2021.

Gerd-Joachim Müller, Frankfurt
Managing director of expert office Müller
1975: Business school leaving examination
1976 - 1981: Studies at the Technical University of Darmstadt in the field of structural engineering, graduated as Diplom-Ingenieur (graduate engineer)
Ph.Holzmann AG ,Frankfurt
Managing partner of J. Müller Metallbau GmbH in Netphen
with branches in Erlangen and Münster and sales offices in Nejkerk (NL), Liege (BEL) and Dornbirn (AT), specialising in awnings (approx. 16,000 units/year), roller doors, roller grilles, sectional doors, sliding doors, high-speed doors (approx. 2000 units/year).
Developments and patent applications: 1986 screwless sectional door TA-38; 1987 high-speed door Transrapid; 1987 computer-aided control for Transrapid
Managing partner of J.Müller Markisen und Torbau GmbH in Frankfurt/Main
2004: Public swearing-in as an expert by the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Industry and Commerce and commencement of work as an expert, initially on a part-time basis.
2005: Relocation of the expert office to Kelkheim and expansion of the activity to the main profession.
2006: Special expert opinion on the shading behaviour of a fixed louvre system in the course of the seasons, taking into account the light penetration values into the building.
Main areas of activity from Baden-Württemberg to Saxony-Anhalt:
- Consultancy for the manufacturing industry
- Relocation to new premises and setting up of a test laboratory [strength tests on textile materials, engine test bench, testing of fires at the microswitch. etc.].
- Since 2007: Cooperation in the circle of experts of the Federal Association of Gates
- 2008/2009: Expansion of activities into other European countries (Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, England, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, etc.)
- Appointment to the expert group on sunshades at Stiftung Warentest (German consumer organisation)
- 2010: first publications of technical articles on changing topics
- 2011: collaboration with Sicht- und Sonnenschutz magazine, 3-4 publications per year
- 2013: significant increase in special reports on external venetian blinds, screens and sails
- November 2013: Appointment as associate arbitrator at LVS Hessen
- 2014: First expert opinion on the problem of wake vortex damage
- 2015: Involvement of the public prosecutor's office and the RP to determine the causes of accidents.
- 2016: Special expert opinion on BauVO 305/2011/EC; BauPG in connection with market surveillance NRW (DiBt)
Numerous publications and lectures on the following topics:
- Bestandsschutz nein Danke (Gates on the occasion of ASR A1.7)
- zip-Screens kinematics and requirements for motor control
- Wind loads on window shading systems, proof in cooperation with the RWTH or Karman Institute for Fluid Technologies, B that no wind load is applied to the blind in accordance with the regulations.
- Wind load damage in sun protection systems and its detection, lecture by insurer
- Wind concerns [sliding gates etc.], lecture by BVT group of experts
- Defects in gates, technical lecture for BVT on the occasion of R+T 2018
- etc.

Sandra Musculus, Bergisch Gladbach
President of the Industrial Association of Technical Textiles Roller Shutters Sun Protection e.V. (ITRS)
Sandra Musculus is a businesswoman and human resources officer and has been working since 2001 in the family-run company, Georg Musculus GmbH & Co. KG - manufactory for technical textiles. The company, founded in 1924, makes up awning fabrics and sun protection textiles for manufacturers and specialist dealers throughout Europe.
In ITRS e.V. Sandra Musculus has been active on a voluntary basis since 2019, first as treasurer, since 2020 as president.

Peter Reinhardt, Stuttgart
Managing Director at the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg
1965 | Carpentry apprenticeship | Studied architecture and urban planning at the University of Stuttgart | 1995-1996 Worked for Kohlhoff und Kohlhoff Architekten in Stuttgart | 1996-199 Worked for Fink+Jocher Architekten in Munich | 1999-2000 Worked for Herzog & de Meuron Architekten in Munich | 2006-2006 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Urban Planning at the Technical University of Munich under Prof. Reichenbach-Klinke | Since 2006 Managing Director at the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, responsible among other things for the Institut Fortbildung Bau, the educational institution of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects.

Lars Rippstein, Fulda
Managing Director of the Industrial Association of Technical Textiles Roller Shutters Sun Protection e.V. (ITRS)
Lars Rippstein has dedicated his entire professional life to the textile industry and sun protection. Initially, his focus was on international sales, after which he was responsible for the fate of a German sales branch for technical textiles as managing director for over 20 years. In 2018, he moved to the management of the Industrieverband Technische Textilien - Rollladen - Sonnenschutz e.V. (ITRS) and now knows exactly the possibilities, demands and wishes of the industry.

Yvonne Schneider, Köln
Editor at Charles Coleman Verlag
Yvonne Schneider has a degree in journalism and studied technical journalism at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin. She is a co-founder of the ten-year old industry competition "Deutscher Metallbaupreis" (German Metal Construction Award) and is responsible for it as well as the event "Metallkongress" (Metal Congress) at Charles Coleman Verlag in Cologne. She has been a member of the editorial team for the trade medium M&T since 2007.

Sebastian Schott, Stuttgart
Creative director of Architektur blocher partners
Professional experience
since 2019: Creative Director Architecture blocher partners, Stuttgart
2012 - 2019: Owner of Sebastian Schott Architects, Stuttgart
2013 - 2019: Academic assistant in the teaching area for innovative building and spatial concepts at the State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
2016 - 2017: VT prof. for Fundamentals of Design and Constructive Design at HBC University of Applied Sciences, Biberach
2012 - 2013: VT Prof. for Computational Design in Architecture at Trier University of Applied Sciences
2008 - 2012: Senior architect at LAVA Laboratory for Visionary Architecture, Stuttgart
2006 - 2007: Architect at UNStudio van Berkel & Bos, Amsterdam
2004 - 2005: Architect at Massimiliano Fuksas Architects, Frankfurt am Main
2004 - 2006: Postgraduate Master of Arts in Advanced Architectural Design MA AAD at the Städelschule Frankfurt am Main
2000 - 2004: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Holzminden

Dr. Claus Schwenzer, Mönchengladbach
Honorary Chairman of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT - Verband Tore)
After his studies in mechanical engineering, he completed a doctorate at the RWTH Aachen. Following a leading position in development at BMW AG, in Munich, Claus Schwenzer has been Managing Director of Effertz Tore GmbH in Mönchengladbach since 1993. From 2002 to 2021, he held the office of Chairman of the BVT Association of Door Manufacturers in Ratingen. He is currently honorary chairman of the BVT.

Olaf Vögele, Untergruppenbach
Managing Director of expert consultancy media4technologies UG, Editor of GLASWELT / SONNENSCHUTZWELT
Olaf Vögele is a master locksmith, roller shutter and blind maker, business economist and expert for roller shutters, gates and sun protection systems. After working for 15 years as a plant manager in a medium-sized company in the sun protection industry, he switched to the field of trade journalism in 2000 and has now been working for GLASWELT since 2013. Due to his parallel work as an expert and constant participation in DIN committees and technical committees of associations and industry, he is always up to date with the latest technology, and uses this knowledge nationally and internationally as a speaker at industry events or as a moderator in panel discussions.

Peter Winters, Zaventem - Belgien
Vice President ES-SO, European Solar Shading Organisation and consultant European Solar Shading Business
Peter Winters has been associated with ES-SO European Solar Shading Organisation since its origin end 2004 where he was one of the co-founders, and then became a member of the Board of Directors. From 2010 onwards he became the President of ES-SO and today he still its Vice-President. Professionally, he has fully built his career in the solar shading sector where he first started at Helioscreen Belgium in 1989 and moved in 1991 to Dickson-Constant till where he held until 2021 various positions as PR and Sales Director Europe and also built a competence centre with a leading role for the sector. In addition to his positions in ES-SO where he was many times around Europe asked as a guest speaker, he remains connected today as a consultant in the European Solar Shading Business .