13.01.2017 - 00:00

The Technology Towers

The Technology Towers The Technology Towers is an on-going learning curriculum for technique and science. The Technology Towers are three brightly coloured mobile cabinets, containing in total over 80 ready-to-use technology and science lessons: lesson boxes, folders and other supplies. The Towers are especially designed for children in the ages from 4 to 12 years old (primary school). Besides Science and Technology a lot of other learning techniques are addressed: Taking part in these activities, children will learn to work as a team, observe, explore, ask questions and so on. The concept also stimulates working independently, knowledge skills and understanding, investigive skills, planning, obtaining and presenting evidence and it stimulates exploring and discovering skills. Pupils can start right away. They hardly need any preparation or explanation from the teacher. The children work together during the experiments and they will love it! Contact: Mrs. Virginie Gmelich Meijling – van Dooren, MA

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